Sunday, March 14, 2010

Boozer's Day!

Last weekend we decided to take Boozer to the park since he has been locked-up inside so much due to all the rain.  So, we loaded him up in the car and we're on our way.

Today was going to be Boozer's Day!

We arrived at Arbor Hills Nature Reserve in Plano, which turned out to be such an amazing place, I highly recommend it, and started down the first trails.

We came across several of these signs, but never ran into any wildlife! Thank goodness too, apparently one of the "wildlife" is a black snake.

Boozer of course found the first creek that he could play in.  He splashed...

...and splashed...

...and splashed some more!

The park reminded me so much of a deer lease I used to hunt at as a kid.  There were trails and creeks everywhere.

There was also a really big tree...

...and a really weird tree.  Jason called this the Boobie Tree.

Here is a great picture of Jason and Boozer together.

In the end, Boozer had a great time and left the park tired and muddy...

...and grateful for this beautiful weather!


me1i55a said...

i love this blog! it brightened my day. thanks!

Kelli said...

Yay you started a blog! Looks like y'all had fun and your pictures look great!

Tami Pace said...

Thanks Guys!

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